Kettlebell Training
As you may know as a personal trainer in Brighton I have been heavily influenced by kettlebells and was one of the main influencers promoting these to the UK way back 18 years ago. They are a great tool that can be used anywhere. You can use them to develop explosive legs and glutes to smashing your fitness goals or improving sports specific fitness.
They particularly help develop the posterior chain , and area where most people lack strength, endurance and size. If you want to develop a great butt then kettlebells should be one of the main tools in your puns please!
The kettlebell swing is a great glute developer. Not only does a great butt look great but it has functional carry over too. The glutes are the linch pin to the spine. Strong glutes equal a stable back. So without further a do I’ve made you all a follow along workout that you can do to whip that butt into shape! Follow the link below !